JewishGen Belarus Database
The JewishGen Belarus Database is
a multiple-database search, which incorporates all of the databases
listed below, containing more than 800,000 entries from Belarus.
How do I get the best Search Results?
Component Databases:
All Belarus:
JewishGen Family Finder
More than 38,000 entries by Jewish genealogists researching families in Belarus.
JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry
More than 48,000 burial records for Belarus and Belarus landsmanshaft cemeteries worldwide.
Yizkor Book Necrologies
55,000 entries from lists of Holocaust martyrs in Yizkor Books for towns in Belarus.
Yizkor Book Master Name Index
12,500 names indexed from Yizkor Books for towns in Belarus.
JewishGen Holocaust Database
More than 120,000 names from various datasets with information about
Holocaust victims and survivors.
Birth Records
More than 50,000 complete birth records, from Bobruisk,
Kamen, Kobrin, Minsk, Mogilev, Rakov, Rubezhevichi, Senno and
Marriage Records
More than 13,000 complete marriage records, from Minsk (1921),
Mogilev (1857-1891), and Vorotinschtina-Zaverezhe (1870-1917).
Deaths Records
More than 16,000 complete death records, from Bobruisk (1894-1900),
Minsk (1889), Mogilev (1875-78), and others.
Belarus Names Database
More than 58,000 names that appear on static web pages of the JewishGen Belarus SIG.
Jewish Religious Personnel
in the Russian Empire, 1853-1854
1,900 Jewish religious personnel in Grodno, Minsk, Mogilev, Vilna and Vitebsk Gubernias.
Vsia Rossiia - 1903 &
1911 Minsk and Mogilev Gubernias, 1911 Vitebsk gubernia
More than 12,000 Jewish businesses, from 1903 and 1911 Russian business directories.
1929 Business Directory -
Nowogródek Province
More than 15,000 entries from a Polish business directory.
Revision Lists
More than 100,000 records from Reviska Skazka, 19th century Czarist
tax censuses — from Borisov, Grodno, Kobrin, Minsk, Nesvizh,
Slonim, Slutsk, Vileika and Volkovysk districts.
Grodno Gubernia:
Grodno Gubernia 1912 Voters List
Names of more than 26,000 men of Grodno Gubernia who were eligible to vote in
the Russian parliamentary elections in 1912.
Brest Ghetto Passports
Names and demographics of more than 12,000 people in the Brest Ghetto;
a database of Holocaust victims drawn from Soviet archives.
1897 Census
for Grodno Gubernia
Detailed family data for 8,000 individuals living in Grodno gubernia,
as recorded in the "All Russia Census" of 1897.
Minsk Gubernia:
Minsk City Homeowners
Lists, 1889 and 1911
Nearly 9,000 homeowners from 1889 and 1911 Minsk guidebooks.
Minsk Yizkor Book Index
More than 3,000 names from the index of the two-volume Minsk
Yizkor Book Minsk, Ir va-em.
Minsk Surnames
Index of surnames appearing in the LDS microfilms of the
Jewish vital records of the city of Minsk. 3,435 entries.
Records from the Soviet Extraordinary Commission
Compilation of testimonials about 11,704 Holocaust victims from Pinsk.
Pinsk Ghetto List, 1942
Data on more than 18,000 Jews in the Pinsk ghetto in late 1941 or 1942.
Duma Voters Lists,
Names of more than 35,000 men of Minsk Gubernia who were eligible to vote
in the Russian Duma elections in 1906 and 1907.
Mogilev Gubernia:
Vilna Gubernia:
More than 100,000 records from Reviska Skazka, 19th century
Czarist tax censuses — from the four southern uyezds of
Vilna Gubernia: Lida, Oshmiany, Vilieka, and Disna.