Minsk Yizkor Book Index DatabaseThis database contains translations of the indexes to both volumes of the yizkor book Minsk, Ir va-'em: Korot, Ma'asim, Ishim, Havai [Minsk; Jewish Mother City: A Memorial Anthology], edited by David Kohen and Shelomo Even-Shoshan. (Jerusalem, 1975-1985). The first volume (693 pages) was published in Jerusalem in 1975 by the Irgun yotse Minsk u-venoteha be-Yisrael [Association of Olim from Minsk and its Surroundings in Israel]. It covers the history of Minsk through 1917. The second volume (504 pages) covers the period after 1917 and was published in 1985, also in Jerusalem. Both volumes are in Hebrew and each has a separate table of contents and separate name indices. The name indices are not necrologies, but contain the names of people mentioned in the volumes, both Jews and Gentiles. A translation of the Table of Contents of these two volumes can be found on the JewishGen Yizkor Book Project website. The JewishGen Belarus SIG would like to thank Harriet Brown and Sandra Krisch for their tireless efforts to clean up and organize the raw first translation. We would also like to thank Michael Tobias and Warren Blatt for the searchable database, and lastly Joyce Field for her nudging to get this project started. There are 3,285 names in this database. Each record contains the following fields:
Last Update: 30 May 2003 MT
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