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Writing to JGFF Help

Before writing to the JGFF Help Desk, please read the JGFF FAQ (“Frequently Asked Questions About the JewishGen Family Finder”), to see if your question is already answered there.

  • If your message is about a forgotten password...

    If you have forgotten your JewishGen Password, fill out the click here

  • If your message is about a questionable town entry...

    The JGFF is set up to reject any town entry which has not previously been verified in the JGFF.  If the JGFF has rejected one of your town entries, please read the error message carefully and then review JGFF FAQ Question 4.2 — be sure that it is a modern native town name.  If you feel that your town entry should be accepted, please fill out the Town Query Form.

  • For all other questions, if not answered in the JGFF FAQ...

    Should be addressed to the JGFF Help Desk, using the guidelines specified below.

    When writing to the JGFF Help Desk, tell us exactly what the problem is.
    Don't tell us "it doesn't work"... we can't help you if that's all you say.  Be specific and tell us what happened.  State what you were trying to do, what you expected the results to be, and what were the results you saw.  State precisely what you were trying to do, and what the problem is.  Don't just say "I got an error"... tell us the exact text of any error message you are receiving.

    In every message to the JGFF Help Desk, be sure to include:

    • Your full name, JewishGen ID Number, and e-mail address.
    • The URL: which web page you were on   (i.e.: something that starts with "http://").
    • Which web browser you are using (e.g.: Mozilla Firefox 9.01, Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0, Google Chrome 15, Safari 5.1, etc.).
    • What computer operating system you are using (e.g.: Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, MacOS X, etc.).
    • What time did the problem occur?  Be sure to include the date, time, and time-zone.

    Your message should be coherent and consist of several complete sentences.  Establish a context and explain what you are trying to achieve.  If we cannot understand your message, we cannot help you.  Address your message to the JGFF Help Desk at, following the guidelines above.

    The JGFF Help Desk is for technical questions and problems relating to the JGFF only.   It is not a genealogical help service.   For questions about genealogical research, see the JewishGen FAQ, Frequently Asked Questions About Jewish Genealogy; the JewishGen InfoFiles

    You can join and post queries to the JewishGen Discussion Group at

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