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Synagogue/Society Information

Synagogue/Society Identification
Synagogue/Society ID: USA-00385
Synagogue/Society Name: Congregations Beth Hamrdrosh Hagodol Kesser Maariv Anshe Luknik
Synagogue/Society Location
Country: USA
City: Skokie / Evanston
Street: 4341 W. Golf Road
Synagogue/Society Details
Number of Memorials: 830
Number of Photographs: 830
Synagogue/Society Description:

Congregations Beth Hamrdrosh Hagodol Kesser Maariv Anshe Luknik, 4341 W. Golf Road, Skokie, IL 60076 & 303 Dodge Avenue Evanston IL, US. 830 plaques total.

Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Kesser Maariv Anshe Luknik started out in 1865 as Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol. In 1867 Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol merged with the congregation of B\\'nai Jacob. The new synagogue became known as Beth Hamedrosh B\\'nai Jacob. In 1902, the synagogue split into 2 separate congregations. Two new buildings were erected. The one on the South Side was called Beth Hamedrosh "Anshe Doron", meaning "people of the south". The West Side synagogue merged with Tifereth Yisroel Anshe Luknik. The resulting congregation was named Beth Hamedrosh Anshe Luknik. Before it had a permanent home, the west side synagogue was known as Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol "Anshe Maariv" to "denote people of the west." In 1924, a new synagogue was formed in East Rogers Park called Kesser Maariv. In 1954, it combined with Beth Hamedrosh Anshe Maariv. The resulting congregation was named Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Kesser Maariv Anshe Luknik. Today it is also simply called Kesser Maariv. Some plaques were located at Mikdosh El Hagro Hebrew Center in Evanston.

1950 Memorial Plaque board

Kahn Plaque board

Kaplan Plaque board - Evanston

Katz Plaque board

Rubens Bros. Plaque board

Schultz Plaque board - Evanston

Untitled Plaque board

Zaiman Plaque board

Data last updated: 07/16/2020

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