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Synagogue/Society Information

Synagogue/Society Identification
Synagogue/Society ID: CAN-00396
Synagogue/Society Name: Jewish Canadian Military Casualties
Synagogue/Society Location
Country: Canada
City: Montreal
Street: 5015 rue de la Savane
Synagogue/Society Details
Number of Memorials: 605
Number of Photographs: 0
Synagogue/Society Description: Memorial erected 1953 in memory of Jewish Canadian soldiers who died in service in the World Wars. The memorial is in the middle of the Field of Remembrance, a cemetery section for veterans and their spouses. The memorial consists of a tall monument with names on two sides under the title: Roll of Honor. Two walls of names were later added with more known casualty names. A few casualties have been added to the records here and are not named on the memorial.

English data entry by Gary Perlman.

Baron de Hirsch Memorial

Data last updated: 07/16/2020

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