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JewishGen Memorial Plaques Database

Submitting Data to the JewishGen Memorial Plaques Database

The JewishGen Memorial Plaques Database aims to index information from synagogue yahrzeit plaques and other memorial records.  The JewishGen Memorial Plaques Database is a searchable database of names and associated information.  As of December 2021, the JewishGen Memorial Plaques Database contains 225,000 memorial records from 417 Synagogues.
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Data Inventory Submitting Data
Why a Memorial Plaques Database?

What is the JewishGen Memorial Plaques Database?

The JewishGen Memorial Plaques Project is a database of names and other identifying information from Jewish synagogue and memorial records ("Yahrzeit Plaques") worldwide.  It is a compilation of two linked databases: a database of memorial plaques, and a database of information about each particular synagogue.  The Memorial Plaques Project's aim is to catalog extant data about Jewish synagogues and memorial records worldwide.

The JewishGen Memorial Plaques Project is a searchable database on JewishGen, and the data is also incorporated into the relevant JewishGen "All Country" Databases.

How does the Memorial Plaques Project work?

Nolan Altman is the Project Coordinator.  The technical aspects of the project are guided by Warren Blatt, JewishGen's Managing Director; and Michael Tobias, Vice President for Programming.

Information on how to enter data can be found in the Memorial Plaques Template (an Excel spreadsheet).


  • Completed datafile spreadsheets are to be sent to as e-mail attachments.  Photos can be sent by postal mail on a CD-ROM or DVD to the address below, or can be transferred using a third party file sharing service (e.g. DropBox).

    Nolan Altman
    3817 Oceanside Road East
    Oceanside, NY 11572

  • For any questions, please contact Nolan Altman.

JewishGen Memorial Plaques Database
JewishGen Databases JewishGen Home Page
Last Update: 17 Jul 2014  
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