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Cemetery Information

Cemetery Identification
Cemetery ID: USA-02374
Cemetery Name: Old Jewish Cemetery, Bellefonte (No longer exists)
Cemetery Location
Country: USA
City: Bellefonte
Street: Logan Street
Cemetery Details
Number of Burials: 2
Number of Photographs: 0
Cemetery Description: On 10-Oct-1855, Anselm Loeb, a butcher, bought four acres of land from John H. Morrison, for $500, reserving the northern corner of the plot, 89 feet x 89 feet, enclosed by a pale fence. Mr. Loeb acquired this tract of land from Mr. Morrison on 8-Oct-1857 for $80 and established the Jewish Burial Ground there. The site is located on the south side of E. Logan Street, between the (1960s) Mrs. Linn T. Love residence and the Hazel Estate properties next door. Tombstones were recollected on the site as late as 1912. Through the years, from lack of care, the place fell into disuse. Finally, the board fence and the tombstones were removed and little evidence remains today that the spot was once a cemetery. Note that at least two of the graves - Anselm and Julia Loeb - were removed to Mount Sinai Cemetery in Philadelphia in 1900, and other graves may have also been removed.
Data last updated: 12/29/2008

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