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Cemetery Information

Cemetery Identification
Cemetery ID: USA-01138
Cemetery Name: Mount Moriah
Section: Hebrew Cemetery Association purchased the lots for the Hebrew section in Mount Moriah.
Cemetery Location
Country: USA
State:South Dakota
City: Deadwood
Street: Off Sherman Street
Cemetery Details
Number of Burials: 88
Number of Photographs: 0
Cemetery Description: Mount Moriah is a well-known location in the city of Deadwood, with signs pointing to it and tour buses going there. The Hebrew section is in the upper portion of the cemetery. Burials began in 1878 and continue to the present. Expansion burials began in Addition 3 in 1921 to present. They are in the SE corner, above and below the road just inside the main entry gate. The list of names was provided by David Akrop of the Deadwood Granite & Marble Works who says that the date of death indicated here is generally the date of burial taken durectly from the cemetery book. In those cases where a stone is in place he took the dates from the stone so they would be the actual death date. Section 4 includes lots 48 to 167 (inclusive).
Data last updated: 06/24/2004

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