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Cemetery Information

Cemetery Identification
Cemetery ID: THAI-03843
Cemetery Name: The Protestant Cemetery of Bangkok
Cemetery Location
Country: Thailand
City: Bangkok
Street: Thanon Charoen
Cemetery Details
Number of Burials: 34
Number of Photographs: 34
Cemetery Description: There are supposedly 29 Jewish graves in the Protestant Cemetery of Bangkok which is where Jews were buried before they obtained their own cemetery which is the current Jewish cemetery of Bangkok in land now adjoining the Protestant Cemetery. Some of the Jewish graves were under water when this book was published so not all the information was available. This information was donated by BACSA - the British Association for Cemeteries in South Asia from their publication Bangkok: The Protestant Cemetery by Justin Corfield (1997). Published by the British Association for Cemeteries in South Asia. BACSA was set up in 1977 to bring together people with a concern for the many thousands of British and other European cemeteries, isolated graves and monuments in South Asia. There is no one body or agency responsible for looking after these last resting places in the area from the Red Sea to the China Coast - wherever the East India Company and its rivals from France, the Netherlands and Denmark set foot. An estimated two million Europeans and Anglo-Indians mainly British administrators, soldiers, merchants and their families - are buried in the Indian sub-continent alone. Without their support many of their graves and monuments - witness to centuries of European residence in the area - would disappear. BACSA records the locations of cemeteries and monuments, and the inscriptions on headstones. They publish cemetery and church records containing names, inscriptions and biographical notes on individual tombs and gravestones. BACSA supports local people active in the restoration and conservation of European graveyards. Well over 100 projects have benefited from BACSA funding. Their website is On this site you will find more details of their activities; examples of the conservation work which BACSA has supported; lists of Cemetery Record Books and other BACSA Books; and details of the BACSA Archive which has been built up over more than 30 years to form a unique record of over 1,300 cemeteries based on official sources with inscriptions and photographs. Update - Nov 2019...a new donor in Thailand has done extensive research on the Jews buried in the cemetery ad has now accounted for all 34 Jewish burials
Data last updated: 04/07/2020

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