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Cemetery Information

Cemetery Identification
Cemetery ID: SLOV-05244
Cemetery Name: Jewish Cemetery
Cemetery Location
Country: Slovakia
City: Palarikovo  
Street: Obecny úrad, Hlavná 82
Cemetery Details
Number of Burials: 37
Number of Photographs: 37
Cemetery Description:

Jewish Cemetery, Obecny úrad, Hlavná 82, Palarikovo, SLOVAKIA. 37 burials total.

The cemetery is basically the back yard of a house nowadays and there are chicken sheds right next to it. The man living there wasn't very nice and started telling us how he's been taking care of the cemetery for so long and nobody rewarded him for it and wanted us to pay him for all his hard work. It was once much bigger, but most of the graves are not there anymore and more than half of what used to be the cemetery is now full of big shrubs and tall grass with no grave stones. Only 6 stones were still there when we visited, on the 10 Sep 2014.

List of deceaded is from the book 'Židia v nitrianskej župe – Šurianský rabinát / Jews in the Nyitra megye, rabbinate Šurany' of Ing. František Buda; was completed with photos donated Mr. Mattan Segev; some tombstones with Hebrew inscriptions only are not included

Cemetery map.

Overview of cemetery.

Data last updated: 04/12/2019

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