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Cemetery Information

Cemetery Identification
Cemetery ID: PERU-02398
Cemetery Name:
Cemetery Location
Country: Peru
City: Iquito
Cemetery Details
Number of Burials: 36
Number of Photographs: 10
Cemetery Description:

Cementario Israelita, Cite Immeuble La Patrimonto de la Nacion - Iquito, Peru. 10 burials total.

Most stones are Sephardic, but not all. Most of the stones are lying flat on the ground. The Jewish community itself is very small. The condition of the cemetery is 'fair', there are several dozen burials. Photographs were taken by Guy Shachar and translations were made by Mathilde Tagger. Older stones were documented in the published book Eretz Amazonia: 'Os Judeus na Amazonia', by Samuel Benchimol, professor emeritus of the Universidade Federale do Amazonas (Editora Valer 2008, Manaus, Brazil.) Samuel Benchimol (1924-2002) was a Jewish Brazilian economist and one of the leading experts on the Amazon region. His book is a virtual gazatteer of the contributions of the mainly Moroccan Jews that populated the Jewish communities of the Amazon. The work was donated by his grandson Denis Minev. Of his grandfather, he writes that 'In [Eretz Amazonia] you will find the burial records of all Jews buried in the Brazilian Amazon up until 1998, not only the Manaus cemetery. This was the product of years of recording, including in distant cities in the interior of the Amazon where there were only 2-3 headstones.'

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Data last updated: 06/12/2012

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