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Cemetery Information

Cemetery Identification
Cemetery ID: LATV-00243
Cemetery Name:
Cemetery Location
Country: Latvia
City: Jekabpils  
Cemetery Details
Number of Burials: 389
Number of Photographs: 389
Cemetery Description: Aleksandrs Feigamanis was commissioned by Arlene Beare to document the names and data on tombstones in the Jekabpils cemetery. The data was then donated to the JewishGen JOWBR project. Aleks walked round the cemetery photographing the tombstones and submitted photos to Arlene Beare of all the tombstones still standing. The photos were scanned and donated to JewishGen for inclusion in the JOWBR database by Arlene Beare. As many of the tombstones have only a first name and no surname, it is recommended that you do a Global Text Search, inserting the first name where it says "Type of search". The cemetery, although not maintained, is not completely overgrown. Photos of the cemetery may be seen on the Jekabpils ShtetLinks site"> An incomplete cemetery list can also be found attached to the Jekabpils page. This incomplete list was submitted by Eli Goldfrid and other surviving members of the Jekabpils Jewish community:"> Acknowledgements: Aleksandrs Feigmanis translated the names on the tombstones and wrote each name on the back of the corresponding photo. He then compiled lists that form the basis of the database. He has done a big job very well and deserves our gratitiude. Grateful thanks are also due to Malcolm Singer and Constance Whippman for the time and effort they put into compiling the database.
Data last updated: 01/21/2021

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