Cemetery Description: |
The information on the pre-1940 Jewish cemetery was donated by Bernhard Gelderblom. He is the author of the book Die Juden von Hameln: von Ihren Anfaengen im 13. Jahrhundert bis zu Ihrer Vernichtung durch des NS-Regime. It was published by the Verlag Jörg Mitzkat in 2011. There are photographs of all the matzevot in the book. He also maintains two websites with information about the Jews of Hameln and the region: http://www.juedische-geschichte-hameln.de/ and http://www.gelderblom-hameln.de/juden/friedhoefe/friedhoefe.html. The information on the burials since 1997 when the cemetery was reopened was donated by Rachel Dohme of the Jewish Congregation of Hamelin. Their website is http://jghreform.org/home.htm.