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Cemetery Information

Cemetery Identification
Cemetery ID: GERM-03023
Cemetery Name:
Cemetery Location
Country: Germany
City: Meckenheim
Cemetery Details
Number of Burials: 222
Number of Photographs: 0
Cemetery Description: Location:  The cemetery is situated in a beautiful  estate. The address is: Dechant-Kreiten-Strasse, and the cemetery is opposite house number 4. Klaus H.S. Schulte wrote that there were 53 tombstones, from which 23 were damaged, without epitaphs. Henny Houweling-Zwart found 31 tombstones, from which five were hidden in brushwood.  She found two tombstones written in Hebrew, which she was unable to read. The following list is a combination of both Klaus H.S. Schulte's findings and those of Henny Houweling-Zwart. The gravestone numbers were made by Mr. Schulte. Information gathered  by Klaus H.S. Schulte prior to 1972 and Henny Houweling-Zwart in June, 2003. Additional information was donated by Mr. Dieter Peters of Aachen, Germany. For 20 years he has been the cemetery representative and relationship manager of the Landesverbandes der Jüdischen Gemeinden von Nordrhein (the Union of the Jewish communities of the North Rhine area,) and he has amassed a personal database of some 80,000 names and burials.
Data last updated: 12/08/2016

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