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Cemetery Information

Cemetery Identification
Cemetery ID: FR-04548
Cemetery Name:
Cemetery Location
Country: France
City: Augny (Moselle)  
Street: Departmentale Rte 157c
Cemetery Details
Number of Burials: 32
Number of Photographs: 0
Cemetery Description: Augny is approximately 8 km southwest from the center of Metz along the Departmentale Rte 157c. The cemetery is located behind the church. Take the small path from the parking lot(Ruelle du cimitière du Juifs) and about 150 meters on the left is a small door that leads into the cemetery. Information comes from Vol. 1 of the book, 'Les Cimitieres Israelite de Moselle' of Jean-Pierre BERNARD, was documented by him and his wife, Huguette in 1996. The only cemetry for the area., it dates to the mid-19th century. The original wall was destroyed in 1944 along with 80% of the village, and rebuilt in 1958. By 1966 the 1958 wall was gone. Many stones are lying on the ground, and some are covered by the earth. We are deeply grateful to Jean-Pierre Bernard and the CGJ of Paris which published the volume for their gracious permission to place this data on JOWBR.
Data last updated: 12/13/2013

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