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Cemetery Information

Cemetery Identification
Cemetery ID: BRA-08353
Cemetery Name: Cemitério Parque Israelita Jardim da Saudade
Section: Sociedade Religiosa Israelita Chevra Kadisha
Cemetery Location
Country: Brazil
City: Rio de Janeiro
Street: Estrada Visconde de Sinimbú, n° 1600
Cemetery Details
Number of Burials: 98
Number of Photographs: 0
Cemetery Description: Estrada Visconde de Sinimbú, n° 1600, Paciência, Rio de Janeiro-RJ. Telefones: (21) 2417-2474 / 2417-2005 / 2417-2392 The Jardim da Saudade Group, with the support of the Jewish Congregation of Brazil, inaugurated the first Cemitério Parque Israelita in Rio de Janeiro in 2008, along the lines of the Jewish Park Cemeteries in the USA and Europe. The place is a perfect blend of the exuberant nature, in the middle of the Jewish millenarian tradition, in the smallest details. At 30 minutes from Barra da Tijuca, its area of 20.000m2 is inside the Jardim da Saudade de Paciência Cemetery, between Guaratiba and Campo Grande. The Cemitério Parque Israelita is maintained and operated according to the traditional Jewish laws, supervised by Chevra Kadisha of the Jewish Congregation of Brazil. The practices of Sh'mira (""vigil"") are observed; Tahará (washing and purification); Tach'ricim (dress): Kvura bi-Karka (burial directly on the ground) and all Jewish ritual practices. Among the respected traditions is the discouragement of the use of very large and ornate stones, because according to the sages "the deeds of each one is that they are his great monuments". In this way, the plates in memory only record the name in Portuguese and Hebrew, the dates of birth and death and demarcate if there were descendants of Kohen or Levi. The Cemitério Parque Israelita is, as designated by Jewish law, an area exclusively for members of the Jewish community. As such, it is bounded with entrance and independent facilities from Jardim da Saudade. At the same time, by being part of a complex of park cemeteries, it meets the growing demand of families made up of non-Jewish members. These, even if they can not be buried side by side, may be close together in the same complex or in the same large park, which constitutes the enterprise.
Data last updated: 04/12/2019

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