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Cemetery Information

Cemetery Identification
Cemetery ID: BRA-08352
Cemetery Name: Cemitério Comunal Israelita do Rio de Janeiro
Section: Sociedade Cemitério Comunal Israelita do Rio de Janeiro
Cemetery Location
Country: Brazil
City: Rio de Janeiro
Street: R. Monsenhor Manuel Gomes, 311
Cemetery Details
Number of Burials: 6993
Number of Photographs: 0
Cemetery Description: R. Monsenhor Manuel Gomes, 311, Caju, CEP 20931-673, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil The Cemitério Comunal Israelita do Rio de Janeiro, also called Cemitério Israelita do Caju, is a private Jewish necropolis located in the Northern Zone of the city of Rio de Janeiro. It is run by the Sociedade Cemitério Comunal Israelita do Rio de Janeiro, which also manages two other Jewish cemeteries in the state: the Cemitério Israelita de Inhauma (better known as the ""Cemitério das Polacas"") and the Cemitério Comunal Israelita de Nilópolis, in the Baixada Fluminense area. It forms, together with three christian holy fields (Cemitério da Ordem Terceira do Carmo, Cemitério da Venerável Ordem Terceira de São Francisco da Penitência e Cemitério de São Francisco Xavier) the Complex of Cemeteries of the District of Caju. Inaugurated in 1955 on a site ceded by the municipality of the former Federal District and by Santa Casa de Misericórdia, the Cemitério Comunal Israelita do Rio de Janeiro occupied a former burial area of indigents from the nearby Cemitério de São Francisco Xavier, and was created as a closer alternative to the burial of members of the Rio de Janeiro (city) Jewish community which already had cemeteries dedicated to its rite in places more distant and beyond the limits of the municipality. It currently has about 6.5 thousand tombs, and is close to capacity. In 1975, a memorial monument for the victims of the Holocaust was inaugurated near the entrance to the cemetery.
Data last updated: 12/28/2022

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