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Intermountain Jewish News Obituaries, 1918-2011

Compiled by Terry Lasky

The Intermountain Jewish News (IJN) first began publication in Denver, Colorado in 1913.  This obituary index begins in October 1918 and extends through June 2011.  There are 15,348 records in this database.  The index is presented by the owners of this database, the Intermountain Jewish News.

Copies of the newspaper/obituaries can be found in the following locations:

  • Denver Public Library — the library has microfilm covering Oct 1918 - Jun 1944, and Dec 1984 - Jan 2008.
  • The Colorado History Museum library has microfilm covering Oct 1918 - Jan 2008 [OEH 901.1].
  • The Intermountain Jewish News has the actual newspapers covering the entire span of this index.  However, the IJN does not have the staff or copy facilities to handle requests for obituaries.
  • Terry Lasky, the producer of this index, has copies of all of the obituaries.  He can be contacted here.

Database Contents

The index is composed of a number of columns of information, most taken directly from the IJN obituary, but many also supplemented from different sources.  Associated cemetery (burial) information is also included when that information could be identified in the obituary or from other sources.

  1. ID — used purely for sorting and as a unique identifier.

  2. PAPER DATE — date on which the obituary appeared in the newspaper.

  3. SURNAME — surname as found in the obituary.  If two names appear it is because the name in the cemetery record is different.

  4. GIVEN NAME — given name as found in the obituary.  Nicknames and names in the cemetery record that are different are found in parenthesis.  Women’s maiden names are also listed if they are in the obituary.

  5. DEATH DATE — date of death as found in the obituary.  If the date of death was not found in the obituary then the date is from the cemetery record, the SSDI, or any other source that could be found.

  6. AGE — age at death if and only if it is listed in the obituary.

  7. BURIAL LOCATION — name of the cemetery and its city and state location.  This can come from the obituary or any other source that may give that information.  If the cemetery is unknown then the city and/or state where the burial occurred is listed.  Any name in parenthesis after the cemetery name is the section (usually the name of the Jewish section) of the cemetery where the burial occurred.

  8. BIRTH DATE — date of birth if and only if it is listed in the obituary.

  9. BIRTH PLACE — place of birth if and only if it is listed in the obituary.

  10. DEATH PLACE — place of death if listed in the obituary.  If not listed in the obituary other sources were used when available.

  11. SURNAME OF RELATIVES — surnames of any relatives that were listed in the obituary.  This field is also searched when a surname is supplied in the search criteria.

  12. PHOTO — "Yes" indicates that a photo of the person appeared in the obituary.

  13. ONLINE — Indicates if cemetery information is online. 

    If neither is indicated it doesn’t mean one doesn’t exist in those sources (or other sources).  Find-A-Grave increased from 50 million records to 63 million while this index was being created;  JOWBR grew by 25% during that same period.

In some fields a double asterisk (**) may occur.  That means that the value in the obituary was incorrect and that this is the correct value.

Not all obituaries that appeared in the Intermountain Jewish News were included in this index.  If the person had no ties to the Rocky Mountain Region of the country then they were not included.  Ties to this region included previously living here, born here, having a relative living here or any other kind of relationship to the area.  Those obituaries not included in this index were usually of famous Jewish people who lived their whole life in a foreign country or on the east coast, etc. and never had any ties to the Rocky Mountain region.

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