This is a database of Jewish communal leaders and employees of
Jewish communal organisations in the United Kingdom, based upon data extracted from books, periodicals and other sources.
Current Contents of this Database:
Jewish Directory for 1874, compiled by Asher I. Myers,
editor of the London Jewish Chronicle (published by Asher I. Myers and Philip Vallentine).
This novel 1874 publication, intended to be the first edition of periodic publications of a similar name, was never repeated and was published more
than two decades prior to the first Jewish Year Book (see below). It contains a list of all London and provincial synagogues, Jewish schools,
associations, charitable and other institutions, societies, etc., with names and addresses of all persons holding official positions (honorary and
salaried) in the Anglo-Jewish community and other interesting information.
The data was extracted by Louise Messik and David Shulman and includes the names and (in most instances) the addresses of every person listed in the
Directory, being the then leaders of the Jewish communities and congregations in the UK and employees of Jewish communal organisations (including the
staff of Jewish schools), together with details of all offices held by each person, as well as links to JCR-UK home page of all Jewish congregations and
communities named. The database comprises 1,903 individuals holding an aggregate of some 3,500 offices in approximately 250 Jewish organisations spread
throughout London and 47 cities and towns in the Provinces.
(Data first posted: 2 April 2017; enhanced: 20 February 2018.
Data Copyright © 2017 and 2018 Louise Messik and David Shulman)
Jewish Year Book 5657 (1896-1897), edited by Joseph Jacobs (published 1896 by Greenberg & Co. and Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co.. Ltd.).
This was the very first edition of the Jewish Year Book, which continued to be published annually until 2015 (except during World War II). It contains a list of
all London and provincial synagogues, Jewish schools, associations, charitable and other institutions, societies, etc., with names of all office holders (honorary
and salaried), details of various Jewish dignitaries and other important member of the community, together with other useful and interesting communal information.
The data was extracted by David Shulman and includes the names and (where available) the addresses of every person listed as an office holder in the Year Book,
together with details of all offices held by such persons, details of every Jewish peer, baronet, knight and member of Parliament, as well as the names and addressses
of every licensed kosher butcher and authorised mohel (primarily in London). There are links to JCR-UK home page of all Jewish congregations and communities named.
The database comprises 1,039 individuals holding office in approximately 200 Jewish organisations spread throughout London and 68 cities and towns in the Provinces.
(Data first posted: 20 February 2018. Data Copyright © 2018 David Shulman)
Ministers and Officers listed on JCR-UK .
A project to enhance and materially expand the information on
the congregation pages of JCR-UK went into full swing in early
2018. As part of this project, the congregational data is
gradually being expanded (congregation by congregation) with the
aim ultimately of listing all known ministers of every
congregation, as well as the early
officers (generally pre-1960s) of older congregations, The data
on these listed ministers and officers is being placed on this database.
The data is being added to the database by David Shulman
(who, assisted by Steven Jaffe, is carrying out the underlying research) and includes the names
of the ministers and officers, the positions held by them, the congregations in which they
served, their periods of service and other data that may be
available for the early ministers and officers, such as dates
and places of birth and death, addresses, family relationships,
etc. There are links to JCR-UK home page for all
the congregations on which the ministers and officers are
listed, which contain details of sources and other notes. Currently the database is updated to include all persons
listed prior to 30 September 2021, and these, together with
those in item 4 below, number some 4,300 individuals holding an aggregate of
over 5,650 offices. At present,
the congregations covered comprise all the approximate 130 non-orthodox congregations
that ever existed throughout the United Kingdom, together with
approximately 230 orthodox congregations.
(Data first posted: 1 November 2018, latest update: 14
2021. Data Copyright © 2018-2021 David Shulman)
Miscellaneous Office Holders listed in Jewish Year Books.
Jewish Year Books often included
the names and frequently the
addresses of minor office holders of some congregations.
Generally, these office holders have not been listed on
JCR-UK congregation pages (see item 3 above). The data on such office
holders and, in certain instances, some senior officer holders
who were not listed on JCR-UK, is being placed on the database in respect of those
congregations researched in connection with item 3 above.
The data is being added to the database by David Shulman
and includes the names
of such office holders (generally limited to those who held
office up to the 1950s), the offices held by them, the congregations in which they
served, their periods of service and their addresses, if
disclosed. There are links to JCR-UK home page for all
the congregations on which the office holders are listed.
(Data first posted: 1 November 2018. Latest update: 14
October2021. Data Copyright © 2018-2021 David Shulman)