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JewishGen Romania-Moldova Database

Welcome to the JewishGen Romania-Moldova Collection.  This is a multiple database search facility which incorporates all the datasets listed below.  In total, this collection includes more than 1.2 million records for Romania and Moldova, from a variety of sources, including: voter lists, census records, business directories, vital records, diplomatic records, yizkor books, and others.

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Component Databases:

All Romania:

Bucovina (Bukovina):

  • Bucovina Vital Records  
    More than 30,000 Jewish birth, marriage, and death records, from Kimpolung (Campulung Moldovensec), Gurahumora (Gura Humorului), Radautz (Rădăuţi), Solka (Solca), Suczawa (Suceava), and surrounding villages.

Maramureş (Máramaros):

Moldavia (in Romania):

Basarabia (Bessarabia):

Russian: Бессарабия Bessarabiya,
Romanian: Basarabia,
Yiddish: באַסאַראַביע Basarabye.

Region bordered by the Black Sea, Dniester, Danube and Prut rivers. 

  • Gubernia of the Russian Empire 1812-1918.
  • Part of Romania 1918-1944.
  • In U.S.S.R. (Moldavian SSR) 1944-1991.
  • Today, mostly in the Republic of Moldova (southernmost and northernmost parts in Ukraine).
Chief city: Chişinău (Rus.: Кишинёв Kishinev, Yid.: קעשענעוו Keshenev).
Romanian: BucovinaUkrainian: Буковина Bukovyna, German: BuchenlandYiddish: בוקעווינע Bukevina.

Region in foothills of eastern Carpathian mountains. 

  • 1775-1917: Province of the Austrian Empire.
  • 1917-1944: Province of Romania.
  • After WWII: northern half became part of USSR, southern half remained in Romania.
  • Today: in northeastern Romania and southwestern Ukraine.
Chief city: Chernivtsi Чернівці
(Ger.: Czernowitz,  Rom.: Cernăuţi,  Yid.: טשערנאָוויץ Tshernovitz).
Romanian: Maramureş Hungarian: Máramaros, Ukrainian: Мармарощина Marmaroshchyna, Yiddish: מאַרמעראָש Marmarosh.

Region in the northeast Carpathian Mountains.

  • Until 1917: A county (megye) of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
  • After WWI: the northern part of Máramaros became the easternmost province of the newly-formed Czechoslovakia (Podkarpatská Rus), and the southern part became part of Romania (Județul Maramureș).
  • After WWII: the formerly Czechoslovak part became part of the U.S.S.R.; the southern part remained in Romania.
  • Today: the region is split between Romania and Ukraine — the southern half is in Județul Maramureș (Maramureș County) of northwest Romania, and the northern half is in eastern Zakarpattia oblast (Закарпатська область = Sub-Carpathian Province) of southwest Ukraine.
Chief city: Sighetu Marmaţiei
(Hun.: Máramarossziget,  Yid.: סיגעט Siget).
Yiddish: מאָלדעווע MoldeveTurkish: Boğdan.

Former principality under Ottoman Turkish domination (which included Bessarabia and Bukovina), 1514-1859.  Moldavia and Wallachia merged to form Romania in 1859. Today, in eastern Romania.

Chief city: Iaşi (Yid.: יאַס Yas).

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