Yizkor Book Necrologies
More than 225,000 entries from lists of Holocaust martyrs in
Yizkor Books for towns in pre-war Poland.
JewishGen Holocaust Database
More than 900,000 names from various datasets with information about
Holocaust victims and survivors.
JewishGen Family Finder
More than 125,000 entries by Jewish genealogists researching
families from Poland.
JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry
More than 265,000 burial records for Poland and Polish landsmanshaft cemeteries worldwide.
Warszawa Death Notices
from Nasz Przegląd
More than 17,000 death notices from this Warsaw newspaper, 1923-1939.
Warszawa Homeowners Lists
Data on more than 20,000 homeowners in Warszawa (Warsaw) and its suburbs,
for 1852, 1864, 1869, 1870, and 1897.
Warszawa Gubernia Duma Voters Lists, 1907
More than 10,000 Jewish men living in Warszawa gubernia (Warsaw province),
eligible to vote for the Czarist State Duma.
Łódź Ghetto Database
A record of the 240,000 inhabitants of the Łódź Ghetto.
1929 Polish Business Directory
More than 15,000 entries from Nowogródek province
(now in western Belarus).
Kraków Religious Marriages
1,056 records in this collection, spanning the years 1817-1838.
Kraków Progressive Marriages
647 records in this collection, spanning the years of 1919-1939.
Kraków Marriage Intentions/ Banns records
9,690 records in this collection, spanning the years of 1816-1939.
Kraków Census Records
3,902 records in this collection, for the years of 1790 and 1795.
Kraków Census Records: 1870-1900
50,915 records in this collection, for the years of 1870-1900
Kraków Vital Records
More than 94,500 records in this collection.
Kraków Ghetto Database
Names of more than 19,000 Jews in the Ghetto of Kraków in 1940.
The 1891 Galicia Business Directory
More than 20,000 names from 1,000 different towns throughout Galicia.
Lvov Ghetto Database
Names of more than 10,000 Jews in the Ghetto of Lwów, 1942-1945.
1890-1891 New York
Immigrants from Poland, Austria and Galicia
An index to more than 96,000 passenger arrivals.
Oshpitsin Yizkor Database
Information on more than 5,000 residents of the town of Oshpitsin
Podgorze Vital Records
This database contains Jewish birth, marriage, and death records from Podgórze, Poland. As of January 2022, there are 7,856 records in the collection.