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Vilnius Ghetto: List of Prisoners, 1942

The database contains the names of 15,507 prisoners in the Vilnius Ghetto, from a census conducted 27-29 May 1942.

This data is derived from two volumes published by the the Vilna Gaon Museum in Vilnius in 1996 and 1998: Vilniaus getas: kalinių sąrašai [“Vilnius Ghetto: Lists of Prisoners”].  The book is in Lithuanian, with summaries in English and Russian.  The editor-in-chief is Jevsejus Ceitlinas (Evsey Tseitlin), and the data was compiled by Irina Guzenberg.  The publisher is "Lietuvos Valstybinis Žydų muziejus" (Lithuanian State Jewish Museum) in Vilnius.

Volume 1 (432 pages, 1996) contains the data of a census which took place in Lithuania on May 27-29 of 1942, and concerns Vilnius Ghetto prisoners, which totals 15,507 people.  This date means that those who were killed in the mass murders ("Akzionen") of 1941 are absent from this census.  The published data is organized by street address in the Ghetto.

Volume 2 (336 pages, 1998) contains lists of orders, as well as a list of prisoners of the Jewish labor camp "Kailis" (fur) in Vilnius, and various lists and documents concerning Jewish camps outside Vilnius, but part of the Vilnius Ghetto structurally.  They are: Baltoji Vokė (Biała Waka, Byala Vaka), Bezdonys (Bezdany), Riešė (Rzesza, Reshe), Kena (Kinė), Pabradė (Podbrodzie), Peteša, Užutrakis (Užtrakiai), and others.  Volume 2 contains the entire list of 15,507 Jews, arranged alphabetically by surname.

Both books contain a wealth of information about the ghetto: what transpired, as well as information about the 35 different work camps in and around Vilnius.  To get a complete picture of the Vilna ghetto and its inhabitants in 1942, a copy of both volumes is required.  Copies on the book can be obtained from the Valstybinis Vilniaus Gaono žydų muziejus (The Vilna Gaon Jewish State Museum) in Vilnius.

Database Fields

The fields included in this database are:

  • Name (Surname + Given Name)
  • Born (Year of Birth)
  • Residence in Ghetto (Street Address)
  • Source Publication (always "Vilna Gaon State Museum of Lithuania, Vilnius Ghetto: Lists of Prisoners Volume 1")
  • Page (Page number within the book)


LitvakSIG's Ed Cohen scanned all of the names and addresses in Volume 1, for inclusion in this database.

The data appears with the kind permission of Rachel Kostanian, the Director of the Vilna Gaon Museum in Vilnius; and Gary Mokotoff of Avotaynu, the books' distributor.

This data is included in the JewishGen Lithaunia Database thanks to LitvakSIG.

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