JewishGen Latvia Database
Welcome to the JewishGen Latvia Database.
This is a multiple database search facility which incorporates
all the databases listed below. These databases have been
contributed by the Courland Research Group,
the Latvia SIG and individual donors.
The combined databases have over 175,000 entries, referring to
individuals living in the area now known as Latvia.
The database is a work in progress and new entries are being
added regularly.
How do I get the best Search Results?
Component Databases:
All Latvia:
JewishGen Family Finder
More than 10,000 entries by Jewish genealogists researching families in Latvia.
JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry
More than 12,000 burial records for Latvia and Latvian landsmanshaft cemeteries worldwide.
Yizkor Book Necrologies
1,300 entries from lists of Holocaust martyrs in Yizkor Books for towns
in Latvia and Estonia.
The Jewish Vital Records of Latvia Collection - The Christine Usdin Collection
Index of more than 100,000 birth, marriage, death and divorce records from 21 towns, 1854-1921. With links to original images at the Latvian State Historical Archives.
The All-Russia 1897 Census - Latvia
Surname index of 27,000 individuals living in Rīga;
Rēzekne, Krustpils and Daugavpils (Vitebsk gubernia);
five towns in Courland; and elsewhere —
recorded in the "All-Russia Census" of 1897.
Latvia Death Records
Index of more than 26,000 death records from 21 towns, 1854-1921.
With links to original images at the Latvian State Historical Archives.
Jewish Religious Personnel
in the Russian Empire, 1853-1854
420 Jewish religious personnel in Kurland, Lifland, and Vitebsk Gubernias.
Latvia Internal Passport Database 1919-1941
Internal Passports were issued after the First World War by the newly independent Latvia, formerly part of the Russian Empire. As of June 2020, there are 726 records in this collection.
Livland Gubernia:
Jewish Inhabitants of Riga, 1885/1886
2,650 entries, both male and female, listed as lawfully residing in Riga
in about 1885. References to over 4,000 individuals.
Riga Tax Administration List
More than 12,000 entries, males and females, taken from the Riga Tax
Administration records compiled and amended during the years 1858-1917.
References to over 23,000 individuals living and working in Riga.
The Extraordinary
Commission Lists: Riga
More than 2,000 individuals residing in Riga who are recorded as having
perished at the hands of the German forces, most during 1941.
Riga Passport and Travel Documents
Registration List 1900
Information on more than 12,500 persons from throughout the Russian Empire,
who resided temporarily in Riga in 1900 and registered their presence and
travel documents with the police.
Jewish Marriages in Riga, 1854-1921
Index of a register of 9,241 marriages, from the Latvian State Historical
Archives in Riga, dating from 1854-1921.
There are nearly 20,000 given names and surnames, listing the names
of both the bride and groom.
Courland Gubernia:
The Courland 1907 Duma Voters Lists
Names of 3,300 male Jews eligible to vote in the 1907 Russian Duma elections
in twenty of the major towns and villages of Courland gubernia, including
entries for the 1905 list of Jewish voters of Windau.
References to nearly 5,900 individuals.
Recruits Enlistment Registers and Family Lists
Names of adult family members extracted from official Jewish Military Recruits
Registers from ten major cities of Courland, together with an 1874 family census
list from Bauska.
Contains some 8,000 entries and over 11,000 named individuals.
Passlosen - Jews without Lawful Permit
List of 990 Jews without a lawful permit (Passlosen), published in
the official Government Gazette, the Vedomosti, in the summer of 1855.
Jews in Hasenpoth / Aizpute 1834
A database of more than 1,000 male Jews lawfully entitled to reside in
Hasenpoth (now Aizpute, Latvia), taken from material microfilmed in the
Riga Archives in 1941.
The Kurland Young Men's Mutual Association
A database of 1,225 records relating to the early days of the landsmanshaft
organization for Courlanders in the United States between 1889 and 1945,
part of an ongoing project.
The Courland Vedomosti Database
More than 2,000 entries giving details of news reports and listings from
the official Russian News Gazette from Kurland between 1853-1860.
Migration 1837-1840
Data on 5,872 Jews who requested to be relocated from Courland Gubernia
to agricultural colonies in Kherson Gubernia (now Ukraine) in 1837 and 1840.
Vitebsk Gubernia:
The Dvinsk / Daugavpils Family Lists
More than 8,200 entries providing some 14,000 names of members of the
Jewish community of Dvinsk, in Vitebsk gubernia [now Daugavpils, Latvia].
The list includes excerpts from Merchants lists, lists of petit bourgeois,
tax and military recruits lists.
Jewish Family Lists of Rēzekne
More than 6,600 entries, members of the Jewish community of Rēzekne
(Rezhitse, Rossitten), in Vitebsk gubernia.
Detailed information on each family, from 1898.
1911 Vsia Rossiia
Business Directory - Vitebsk
Data on 3,611 businesses in Vitebsk gubernia, from the 1911 "All Russia" business directory.
Last Update: 20 Sep 2005 WSB