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Slovakian Survivors

Introduction by Madeleine Isenberg and Peter Absolon

Searching the Database


A twenty-six page manuscript was compiled by Jews in Eastern Slovakia after the war as a record of the Jews who had been deported and survived.  The document contains the names of over 700 individuals and their locations during and after the war, along with such pertinent information as numbers of missing relatives, lists of confiscated possessions, and names of Jewish organizations to which they belonged.

The manuscript was found in Slovakia in 1989 in a pile of books, tallitot (prayer shawls) and tefillin (phylacteries) in an old building in the Slovakian Jewish community.  Jewish Holocaust survivors, returning to Eastern Slovakia after the war, gathered together and aided one another in adjusting to post-Holocaust Europe.  They compiled detailed records on approximately 700 Jewish Slovakians who had survived the Holocaust and previously lived in Prešov, Jelsava, Košice, Užhorod and other towns.  This list is unusual in that it comprises survivors of the Holocaust who returned in 1945 and these records appear to have been compiled in June 1945.

Of the 775 names, the majority (432) are those who were able to find places to hide and evade being rounded up; a very few (6) joined the partisans; and 232 were deported to camps for some period of time.  Some pages have incomplete information, so that is why those numbers do not add up to 775.  Note also that a few duplicate records exist, and a notation was made in those cases.


This database contains 775 names of Jews from Eastern Slovakia who were either deported during the Holocaust or hide themselves and survived.  The fields for this database are as follows:

Folio #   Sheet Number (Roman numerals). Corresponding to Original Folio Number out of 26 pages.
Rec. #   Sequential Record Number
Reg. #   Person’s Registration Number
Last name   Survivor's last name
First name   Survivor's first name
Maiden name  Survivor's maiden or birth name (may also be male’s original family name before an official name change)
Place of birth  Using contemporary place names
Date of birth  In format [DD-][MMM-]YYYY
Residence  Using contemporary place names
Marital status   (S)ingle, (M)arried, (W)idowed, (D)ivorced
Sex   (M)ale, (F)emale
Religion   JW = Jewish, RK = Roman Cath., GK = Greek Orth., EV = Evang. Church, RF = Reformed Church, blank = no religion. 
Deportd   Date in format [DD-][MMM-]YYYY and place of deportation
Hiding   Number of months and the hiding place(s)
Returned   Date in format [DD-][MMM-]YYYY
Missing relatives   Father, mother, number of sons, daughters, sisters, brothers and spouse
Family in Palestine  Type of relative (brother, cousin, uncle…) and place in Palestine
Note   Notes without a specific column
Original file URL   Link to Low Resolution original sheet scan


Madeleine Isenberg (Beverly Hills, CA, USA) and Peter Absolon (Košice, Slovakia) voluntarily undertook to transcribe the 775 records of names found in the 26-page "The Slovakian Manuscript" that is owned by the Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC) Museum of Tolerance Library and Archives.  The pair gratefully acknowledge the Library's providing them with access to the high resolution digital images to enable them to work on this project.  Additionally, the SWC Library has granted JewishGen free use of the resulting data for genealogical research purposes.

In addition, thanks to JewishGen Inc. for providing the website and database expertise to make this database accessible.  Special thanks to Warren Blatt and Michael Tobias for their continued contributions to Jewish genealogy.  Particular thanks to Nolan Altman, Vice President of Data Acquisition and Coordinator of JewishGen’s Holocaust Database files.

Nolan Altman
March, 2016

Searching the Database

This database is searchable via JewishGen's Holocaust Database and the JewishGen Hungary Database.

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