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Baden-Württemberg Lists (Mannheim Jewish Community Records)

Introduction by Peter Landé

· Background
· Database
· Acknowledgements
· Searching the Database

This database contains records for 1,993 persons included in a number of lists from the Baden and Württemberg areas, prepared by the Manheim Jewish community.


This dataset includes a number of smaller lists from Baden and Württemberg areas prepared by the Mannhein Jewish Community.  Below are the component databases within this collection.


The Dellmensingen and Herrlingen material consists of Jews to be deported.  No specific dates are given but it can be assumed that the deportations took place in 1941/1942.

German Survivors in France

The Mannheim Jewish Community records collection (RG 14.056M) includes a list of Southwest Germany (Baden and the Palatinate) 427 Jews who were deported to France, survived, and, at least immediately, did not return to Germany in 1946.   The collection does not include information on their ultimate fate, e.g. remain in France, emigrate elsewhere or return to Germany.  Many of these persons were elderly and resident in French hospices.

The information on each individual consists of family and given name and, in most cases, date of birth and location in France.  In many cases the last local address in Germany is also given, but this information was not entered in the database.  Many, but not all, of the names and information appear in the International Tracing Service (ITS) collection.

Laupheim Survivors

List from the Jewish Religious Community in Heidelberg of survivors as of January 17, 1946.


Prepared by the Oberdorf mayor’s office in 1961.  As was true all over Germany, when a resident left a locality he/she had to report their departure, a Abmedlung.  This also applied to deportees.  This list, therefore, contains a mixture of deportees, persons who lived elsewhere in Germany and even a few persons who emigrated while that was still possible.

Ulm Residents — 1935

Ulm, located in southeast Württemberg on the Danube, had a substantial Jewish population until the Nazi period.  This list of the Jewish community in Ulm and nearby towns on September 23, 1935 contains information on 485 members.

During World War II, a sub-camp of Dachau was established in Ulm.  Ulm was also the site of a number of Displaced Persons (DP) camps after the war.

Wilhelmspflege - Laupheim

List of the members residing in Laupheim of a society which sponsors the "Israelitische Waisen- u. Erziehungsanstalt Wilhelmspflege" in Esslingen (Israelite orphanage and reformatory Wilhelm care, Esslingen a.N.) or Stuttgart.  Dated 01-Oct-1936.

Württemberg Postwar

List of December 1946 Jewish community members in a number of smaller Jewish towns in Baden and the Palatinate.   Filmed from the Jewish Community in Mannheim.

Württemberg 1946

Material filmed at Jewish community in Mannheim.   Consists of Württemberg Jewish community membership list as of March 1, 1946 and a short undated list of persons in Württemberg sponsored by I. K. V., apparently a religious group.


This database includes 1,993 records from the various Baden-Württemberg data sets, as outlined below:

List # Description Collection # # of Records
List I German Survivors in France RG 14.056M 427
List II Heidelberg Survivors RG 14.056M 267
List III Laupheim Survivors RG 14.056M 181
List IV Oberdorf RG 14.053M, Reel 2 137
List V Dellmensingen and Herrlingen RG 14.053M, Reel 2 11
List VI Ulm Residents - 1935 RG 14.053M, Reel 1 483
List VII Wilhelmspflege RG 14.053M  Reel 5 39
List VIII Württemberg Postwar RG 14.056M 128
List IX Württemberg 1946 RG 15.053M, Reel 8 320
  TOTAL 1,993

The fields for this database are as follows:

  • Name (Surname + Given name)
  • List #
  • Maiden name
  • Date of birth
  • Place of Birth
  • Last residence — Town
  • Last residence — Address
  • Occupation
  • Comments

Note: Occupations have been entered from the source documents in German.  To assist the researcher with translations of the German occupation entries, please see the JewishGen InfoFile at:


The information contained in this database was indexed from the files of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM).  The original source material was microfilmed at the Mannheim Jewish Community in Germany.

In addition, thanks to JewishGen Inc. for providing the website and database expertise to make this database accessible.  Special thanks to Warren Blatt and Michael Tobias for their continued contributions to Jewish genealogy.  Particular thanks to Nolan Altman, coordinator of Holocaust files.

Nolan Altman
Coordinator - Holocaust Database
May 2010

Searching the Database

This database is searchable via JewishGen's Holocaust Database and the JewishGen Germany Database.

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