New Romanian Lists
This database contains information on 72,844 individuals collected from various Romanian lists. BackgroundThis collection includes data from hundreds of miscellaneous Romanian lists. The source data ranges from single hand-written cards with one to five names on them, to multiple-page lists of hundreds of individuals. Space does not allow for the listing of all the individual lists, but a researcher who finds records of interest can get copies of the original data for their research. The information was received from the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) in Washington DC. If a researcher finds a record of interest, they should contact the USHMM, and give them the "Image Number" of the records of interest. An "Image Number" will look like the following: RG-31.004M.0014.00000150.jpg This "Image Number" gives the following information, in order to find copies of the actual source document indicates that: 1) the collection number is RG-31.004M, 2) the roll number is 14, and 3) the actual image number is 150. With that information, researchers will be able to access the source documents. DatabaseThis database includes 72,844 records from various miscellaneous Romanian source documents. The fields in this database are as follows:
AcknowledgmentsThe information contained in this database was indexed from the files of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (RG-31.004M). The original source material was microfilmed at the Odesa State Oblast Archive in Ukraine. Edward Mitelsbach, a JewishGen volunteer, compiled the list. In addition, thanks to JewishGen Inc. for providing the website and database expertise to make this database accessible. Special thanks to Warren Blatt and Michael Tobias for their continued contributions to Jewish genealogy. Particular thanks to Nolan Altman, coordinator of Holocaust files. Nolan Altman Searching the DatabaseThis database is searchable via JewishGen's Holocaust Database and the JewishGen Romania Database.
Last Update: 5 Dec 2011 by WSB
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