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Jewish families of Northern Germany Database

by Egmar Ruppert

(Lower Saxony, North-Rhine-Westphalia, Hamburg, Bremen, Hessen)
Introduction by Gunther Steinberg

For inquiries about any listed persons, contact the site's author, Egmar Ruppert at

The data provided here reflects the genealogical research done by Egmar Ruppert over a period of years.  The detailed source data and interconnections found and placed into TREES, REPORTS and books on these families are the property of Egmar Ruppert.

I have known Ruppert since 1993, via mail and a visit to him.  We have exchanged data, mostly coming from his end.  I believe him to be an extremely competent, thorough and careful genealogist, who does almost excessive data collection by examining archival data that most professionals would not spend time with.

Genealogy began for him as a hobby, curiosity about the antecedents of one engineer in his area.  This curiosity developed into a wide ranging avocation or consuming interest.  His database currently includes over 20,000 names from over 2,900 families, all in the Lower Saxony, Rhine-Westphalia, Hesse and Hamburg region.  Expansion of the original family groups occurred entirely via searching for their ancestors, descendants, spouses and parents of all of these.  Thus, almost all of his names are related by blood or marriage in a manner of speaking.  Almost all are descended from Jewish families.

Ruppert is a former teacher on disability retirement, who studied "History of the Middle Ages".  He recently married and has one small daughter.  He is not Jewish.  What had been an avocation has turned into a vocation almost.  I have long attempted to aid him in this hobby and help him recover some of his enormous expenses which he incurred over the past years, and is still incurring in assisting people.  I have recommended a number of friends, relatives and others to utilize his services as a very thorough, gifted amateur genealogist.

The LIST of (Names, Location, Period, Pages of Data) which I have mentioned on the JewishGen Discussion Group and other places, is herewith made available to users of JewishGen via this database.

Any costs for detail Family Group Sheets, Trees, source data, reports (Brother's Keeper Ver. 5.2) and other compilations are available from Egmar Ruppert at a cost to negotiated with him directly, depending on the volume of information.  Ruppert speaks, reads and writes and very good English, as well as Spanish, and German of course.

There are two lists:

  • The ALPHABETICAL LIST with 2,921 Family Names covering a total of 21,967 persons, with frequency of mention of M/F and Total. (If a name is mentioned less than 10-15 times, it is difficult to determine a family structure.)
  • The "Families Documented, Summary", "Family Name - Place of Residence - Known Place of Origin - Period - Pages of Data", in alphabetical order. 1,200 entries.

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Database: Egmar Ruppert
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