JewishGen German Collection
Welcome to the German Collection.
This is a multiple database search facility which incorporates
all the datasets listed below.
In total, this continually updated collection includes more than 750,000 records for individuals who resided in Germany and former German regions.
Please note: If a search term contains diacritical characters, e.g. 'ä', replace it with a double character, i.e. 'ae'.
How do I get the best Search Results?
Component Databases:
JewishGen Family Finder
More than 40,000 entries by Jewish genealogists researching families in Germany.
JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry
More than 290,000 burial records for Germany and German landsmanshaft cemeteries worldwide (includes approximately 10,000 records in former Prussian territory now in Poland).
JewishGen Holocaust Database
More than 300,000 names from various datasets with information about
Holocaust victims and survivors.
Yizkor Book Necrologies
7,000 entries from lists of Holocaust martyrs in Yizkor Books for towns in Germany.
Jewish Families of Northern Germany
3,000 families from Lower Saxony, North-Rhine-Westphalia, Hamburg, Bremen, and Hessen.
The Hessen Gatermann Index
Surname-and-town index of 19th- and 20th-century Jewish vital records from
Hessen, linking to images of the records.
To date: 73,000 records from northern and eastern Hessen.
Name Adoption List Index (NALDEX)
A compilation of lists of surname-adoption by German Jews.
Phase I contains 15,000 records from early 19th-century Prussia.
Aufbau Survivors Lists
More than 33,000 Holocaust survivors, published in the German-language
newspaper Aufbau, New York, 1944-1946.
The Aufbau Indexing Project
An index of all announcements of birth, engagement, marriage, death and
other special occasions that appeared in Aufbau, 1934-2004.
There are currently more than 57,000 records in this ongoing project.
Altona (Hamburg), Germany Vital Records
This collection is an index of the Ashkenazi birth, marriage and death records recorded in Altona from the 1820s until 1874. The database more than 4,000 entries.
Altona (Hamburg), Germany - 1845 Census
2,200 Jews of Altona listed in the 1845 Danish census, by household.
Includes each member of the house, their age, place of birth and religion.
Jews in Bavarian Swabia
28,000 19th-century civil records for the Jewish inhabitants of Bavarian Swabia
— Births, Marriages, Deaths, Matrikel & Circumcisions.
LBI Family Tree Index
The LBI Family Tree Index is an index of select compiled family trees held by the Leo Baeck Institute
an archive and research library devoted to the history and culture of German-speaking Jews, located in New York City.
Westphalian Jews and the Holocaust
The fate of more than 8,000 Westphalian Jews.
Jews in Würzburg, 1900-1945
Biographical dictionary of more than 13,000 Jews living in Würzburg,
Lower Franconia, in the early 20th century.
The 1933 German Towns Project
Jewish inhabitants of German towns in 1933, compiled from town sources
by the ITS.
This database currently includes 47,298 records, from 263 towns.
The Danzig Database
7,500 records about Jews in Danzig (now Gdańsk, Poland), from
multiple sources.
Last Update: 10 Dec 2015 WSB