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Planned Giving

Celebrate Your Heritage with a Legacy Gift

Contribute to the future of JewishGen by planning for a special kind of gift.  A planned gift creates a meaningful personal legacy at JewishGen, while securing the future of this important organization and its mission.

There are many ways to include JewishGen in your charitable giving and estate planning:

    • Bequest
      One of the easiest and most important ways to support JewishGen's future is by naming JewishGen a beneficiary in your will.  This may be made with a specific dollar amount, asset, or percentage of your estate. Please let us know if you have made a provision for JewishGen in your estate plans, so that we may honor you on JewishGen's Tree of Life Society. To submit a no-obligation "Letter of Intent" please Click Here .

    • Retirement Plans and Beneficiary Designations
      Retirement (i.e., IRA), life insurance, and real estate assets may all be donated to JewishGen.  Making a gift in this manner can mean significant tax advantages for your estate and your heirs.

    Each gift makes a difference.  Together with your own financial planners, let us help you create a legacy to meet your unique financial, tax, and estate planning goals while ensuring that JewishGen’s mission of “preserving our history for future generations” continues. Donors who contribute through a planned gift or notify us that they have made a provision for JewishGen in their estate plans are honored and recognized as members of JewishGen's Tree of Life Society.

    For more information, please contact our Excutive Director, Avraham Groll, at 646-437-4326 or via email.

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